
Buddy firmware-specific G-code commands

Relevant for

MK4 family
XL family
MMU family
MINI family
MK3.5 family
Article is also available in following languages

This is a list of currently implemented G-Codes in Prusa Buddy firmware for MINI/MINI+/XL/MK4/MK3.5 printers. The description is available only for Prusa Research-specific G-codes or the ones having a specific implementation.
Since, Prusa Buddy firmware uses a fork of Marlin 2 firmware, the generic G-codes should be Marlin-compatible and their description can be found in Marlin documentation or on RepRap Wiki.

For G-code documentation of Prusa firmware for i3 series printers (MK2.5/S, MK3/S/+ etc.), visit the Prusa firmware-specific G-code commands article.


G0 - G0 & G1: Move

G1 - G0 & G1: Move

G2 - G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move

G3 - G2 & G3: Controlled Arc Move

G4 - G4: Dwell

G26 - G26: Mesh Validation Pattern

First layer calibration, must be run within selftest only.

G27 - G27: Park toolhead

See P0

G28 - G28: Move to Origin (Home)

Performs the precise homing. (with no MBL, even without the stadard W parameter)

G28 issued without parameters homes the MMU3 as well. (invalidates the homing flags of Selector and Idler. These will perform homing async once it is considered safe, i.e. no filament in the selector)


  • X, Y, Z: home the individual axes.
  • C: home Z-axis only
  • P: just invalidate the selector's homing validity flag
  • I: just invalidate the idler's homing validity flag

G29 - G29: Detailed Z-Probe

Invalidates previous bed mesh measurements and starts the Mesh Bed Leveling (MBL).

G30 - G30: Single Z-Probe

G54_59 - Select a new workspace 

(For iX printers only)
A workspace is an XYZ offset to the machine native space. All workspaces default to 0,0,0 at start, or with EEPROM support they may be restored from a previous session.
G92 is used to set the current workspace's offset.

G64 - Measure Z-Axis height

Measure the Z length and saves the max_z_pos into EEPROM. Then, it shows the results on the serial line.


  • D: Additional z offset


G64 : Measure the Z length, save the measurement, show results on the serial line.

G64 D0.2 : Execute the G64 command but add extra 0.2 to the measurement.

G65 - Advanced homing/part measurement

(For iX printers only)
Homing to any endstop. Supports separate home positions in CNC workspaces(G54-G59.3)(enabled by defining CNC_COORDINATE_SYSTEMS in advanced config) Only supports homing of one axis at a time

Use: G65 [AXIS][ENDSTOP] D[DIRECTION][DISTANCE] [AXIS] Axis to home(X, Y, Z, E) [ENDSTOP] Target endstop number. [DIRECTION] Direction of homing '+' for positive or '-' for negative direction [DISTANCE] Distance to travel. If endstop is not reached within this distance, motion will stop and position will not be updated to endstop position.

G75 - G75: Print temperature interpolation

G76 - G76: PINDA probe temperature interpolation

G80 - G80: Mesh-based Z probe

For MK4 printer with MK3 G-code reverse compatibility.
Performs the Mesh Bed Leveling as with the G29.

G90 - G90: Set to Absolute Positioning

G91 - G91: Set to Relative Positioning

G92 - G92: Set Position

G162 - Calibrate Z

Z-axis leveling.


  • Z: Calibrate Z.
    With no parameters, no action is performed.


G162 Z : Level the Z-Axis.

G163 - Measure length of axis


  • X, Y: Set an axis to measure the length on.
  • S: Set sensitivity.
  • P: Set measurement period.

G425 - G425: Perform auto-calibration with calibration cube

Automatic calibration with calibration object. Toolhead offset / Backlash calibration



M0 - M0: Stop or Unconditional stop

Pauses a print and waits for user interaction. 

M17 - M17: Enable/Power all stepper motors

M18 - M18: Disable all stepper motors

M20 - M20: List SD card

Lists the contents of the USB drive.

M23 - M23: Select SD file

Select a file from the USB drive.

M24 - M24: Start/resume SD print

Starts or resumes a print from USB drive.

M25 - M25: Pause SD print

Pauses a print from the USB drive.


  • U: Unload filament when paused

M27 - M27: Report SD print status

Reports a status of a print from USB drive.

M28 - M28: Begin write to SD card

Related to USB drive instead.

M29 - M29: Stop writing to SD card

Related to USB drive instead.

M30 - M30: Delete a file on the SD card 

Related to USB drive instead.

M31 - M31: Output time since last M109 or SD card start to serial

M32 - M32: Select file and start SD print

Related to USB drive instead.

M42 - M42: Switch I/O pin

M46 - M46: Show the assigned IP address

M50 - Selftest

Enforce Selftest


  • X: X axis test
  • Y: Y axis test
  • Z: Z axis test
  • F: Fan test
  • H: Heater test

M73 - M73: Set/Get build percentage

Tells the firmware the current build progress percentage to be displayed.


  • P: Percent finished
  • R: Time remaining
  • T: Time to pause

M74 - M74: Set weight on print bed

Set mass. (Input shaper related)


  • W: Set the total mass in grams of everything that is currently sitting on the bed.

M75 - M75: Start print timer

M76 - M76: Pause print timer

M77 - M77 Stop print job timer

M80 - M80: ATX Power On

Turn on the Power Supply.

If you have a switch on suicide pin, this is useful if you want to start another print with suicide feature after a print without a suicide...


  • S: Report the current state and exit


  • M80 : Turn on the Power Supply
  • M80 S : Report the current state and exit

M81 - M81: ATX Power Off

Turn off Power, including Power Supply, if possible.


M81: Turn off Power, including Power Supply, if there is one. This code should ALWAYS be available for FULL SHUTDOWN!

M82 - M82: Set extruder to absolute mode

Set E axis normal mode (same as other axes).

M83 - M83: Set extruder to relative mode

M84 - M84: Stop idle hold

Disable stepper motors / Set timeout.


  • X, Y, Z, E:  Axis to disable stepper on

M85 - M85: Set Inactivity Shutdown Timer

M86 - M86: Set Safety Timeout

M92 - M92: Set axis_steps_per_unit

M104 - M104: Set Extruder Temperature

M105 - M105: Get Extruder Temperature

M106 - M106: Fan On

M107 - M107: Fan Off

M109 - M109: Set Extruder Temperature and Wait

M110 - M110: Set Current Line Number

M111 - M111: Set debug level

M112 - M112: Full (Emergency) Stop

M113 - M113: Host Keepalive

M114 - M114: Get Current Position

M115 - M115: Get Firmware Version and Capabilities

M117 - M117: Display Message

Set LCD message text, if possible

M118 - M118: Echo message on host 

Display a message in the host console

M119 - M119: Get Endstop Status

M120 - Enable endstops

M121 - Disable endstops

M122 - M122: Debug Stepper drivers

Report driver configuration and status.

M123 - M123: Tachometer value

Print fan speed on serial port.

M125 - Store current position and move to parking position.

Called on pause (by M25) to prevent material leaking onto the object. On resume (M24) the head will be moved back and the print will resume.
 When not actively SD printing, M125 simply moves to the park position and waits, resuming with a button click or M108. Without PARK_HEAD_ON_PAUSE, the M125 command does nothing.


  • L: override retract length
  • X: override X
  • Y: override Y
  • Z: override Z raise

M140 - M140: Set Bed Temperature (Fast)

M142 - M142: Set Cooler Temperature (Fast)

Set target heatbreak cooling temperature.


  • S: Set heatbreak cooling temp in degree Celsius

M150 - M150: Set LED color

Set display LED color and animations. Color input supports RGB and HSV format.
LED strips on MK3.5, MK3.9, MK4, MINI, MINI+ and XL machines are not user-configurable from a G-code!


RGB color space

  • R: Red intensity from 0 to 255
  • G: Green intensity from 0 to 255
  • B: Blue intensity from 0 to 255

HSV color space

  • H: Hue from 0 to 360
  • S: Saturation from 0 to 100
  • V: Saturation form 0 to 100


  • A: animation type (SolidColor / Fading)
  • S: printer state
           - Idle,
           - Printing,
           - Pausing,
           - Resuming,
           - Aborting,
           - Finishing,
           - Warning,
           - PowerPanic,
           - PowerUp

M151 - LED control for Side LED lights

Basic settings are the same as for M150.

Additional parameters:


  • D: duration in milliseconds, iX printer only: set to 0 for infinite duration
  • T: transition in milliseconds (fade in / fade out)
           - Fade in is counted toward duration, so if duration is greater than 0 and less than transition, the effect doesn't reach full color intensity.
           - Fade out is not counted towards the duration.

M155 - M155: Automatically send temperatures 

Set temperature auto-report interval

M190 - M190: Wait for bed temperature to reach target temp

M200 - M200: Set filament diameter

M201 - M201: Set max acceleration

M203 - M203: Set maximum feedrate

M204 - M204: Set default acceleration

M205 - M205: Advanced settings

M206 - M206: Offset axes

M211 - Enable, Disable, and/or Report software endstops

M217 - M217: Toolchange Parameters

Set SINGLENOZZLE toolchange parameters. (MMU3)


  • S[linear]:  Swap length (Requires TOOLCHANGE_FILAMENT_SWAP)
  • E[linear]:   Purge length (Requires TOOLCHANGE_FILAMENT_SWAP)
  • P[linear/m]: Prime speed (Requires TOOLCHANGE_FILAMENT_SWAP)
  • R[linear/m]: Retract speed (Requires TOOLCHANGE_FILAMENT_SWAP)
  • X[linear]:   Park X (Requires TOOLCHANGE_PARK)
  • Y[linear]:   Park Y (Requires TOOLCHANGE_PARK)
  • Z[linear]:   Z Raise

M218 - M218: Set Hotend Offset

For XL only.

M220 - M220: Set speed factor override percentage

Set Feedrate Percentage.


  • S: Feedrate Percentage

M221 - M221: Set extrusion percentage


  • T: Tool number
  • S: Extrusion rate Percentage

M226 - M226: G-code Initiated Pause

Wait until a pin reaches a state

M290 - M290: Babystepping

M300 - M300: Play beep sound

Beeep. Beep duration is limited to 0-5 seconds.

  • S: Frequency in Hz
  • P: Duration in ms
  • V: Volume

M301 - M301: Set PID parameters

M302 - M302: Allow cold extrudes

Allow cold extrudes, or set the minimum extrude temperature

Parameters:  S sets the minimum extrude temperature
  P enables (1) or disables (0) cold extrusion


 M302         ; report current cold extrusion state
 M302 P0      ; enable cold extrusion checking
 M302 P1      ; disables cold extrusion checking
 M302 S0      ; always allow extrusion (disables checking)
 M302 S170    ; only allow extrusion above 170
 M302 S170 P1 ; set min extrude temp to 170 but leave disabled

M303 - M303: Run PID tuning

PID relay autotune


  • S: sets the target temperature. (default 150C / 70C)
  • E: (-1 for the bed) (default 0)
  • C: Minimum 3. Default 5.
  • U: with a non-zero value will apply the result to current settings.

M304 - M304: Set PID parameters - Bed

M330 - Select handler

**M330**` ` -- Select `handler` for configuration (`SYSLOG` is selected by default)



M331 - Enable metrics

**M331**` ` -- Enable `metric` for the currently selected `handler`.


`M331 pos_z`

M332 - Disable metrics

**M332**` ` -- Disable `metric` for the currently selected `handler`.


`M332 pos_z`

M333 - Print metrics and their settings for selected handler

List all metrics and whether they are enabled for the currently selected `handler`.

M334 - Handler-specific configuration

Handler-specific configuration


`M334 `  - Configures the syslog handler to send all the enabled metrics to the given IP address and port.

M335 - Logging


`M335 `

M340 - Syslog host and port configuration

M350 - M350: Set microstepping mode

M400 - M400: Wait for current moves to finish

M401 - M402: Deploy probe

M402 - M402: Stow probe

M403 - M403: Set filament type (material) for particular extruder and notify the MMU

M410 - M410: Quick-Stop

Abort all the planned moves.

M420 - Enable/Disable Bed Leveling

Enable/Disable Bed Leveling and/or set the Z fade height.


  • S[bool]   Turns leveling on or off
  • Z[height] Sets the Z fade height (0 or none to disable)
  • V[bool]   Verbose - Print the leveling grid
     * With AUTO_BED_LEVELING_UBL only:
  • L[index]  Load UBL mesh from index (0 is default)
  • T[map]    0:Human-readable 1:CSV 2:"LCD" 4:Compact
  •  C         Center mesh on the mean of the lowest and highest (With mesh-based leveling only)

M428 - Apply current_position to home_offset

Set home_offset based on the distance between the current_position and the nearest "reference point."
 If an axis is past center its endstop position is the reference-point. Otherwise it uses 0. This allows the Z offset to be set near the bed when using a max endstop.
M428 can't be used more than 2cm away from 0 or an endstop.
Use M206 to set these values directly.

M486 - M486: Cancel Object

A simple interface to identify and cancel printing one of multiple printed objects.


  • T[count] : Reset objects and/or set the count
  • S : Start an object with the given index
  • P : Cancel the object with the given index
  • U : Un-cancel object with the given index
  • C        : Cancel the current object (the last index given by S)
  • S-1      : Start a non-object like a brim or purge tower that should always print
  • Aname    : Name the current object
  • Nname    : Legacy, same as Aname
  • A and N need to be alone in the G-code line, use "M486 S1nM486 AMyAwesomeObject".
     Spaces in name can get consumed by meatpack.

M500 - M500: Store parameters in EEPROM

M501 - M501: Read parameters from EEPROM

M502 - M502: Restore Default Settings

M503 - M503: Report Current Settings

Print settings currently in memory.

M509 - M509: Force language selection

M555 - Set print area

Set print area for detailed MBL.


  • X: X coordinate of print area rectangle
  • Y: Y coordinate of print area rectangle
  • W: Width of print area rectangle
  • H: Height of print area rectangle


M555 X112.5 Y88.5 W32 H29

M556 - Override modular bedlet active

XL only.


  • X/Y: Set bedlet based on X, Y coordinates
    (By default, all bedlets are set)
  • I: set bedlet based on its index
  • A: Activate bedlet
  • D: Deactivate bedlet

M557 - Set modular bed gradient parameters

XL only.


  • C: Set gradient cutoff
  • E: Set gradient exponent
  • S: Set expand to sides

M569 - Enable StealthChop

Used specifically to enable StealthChop on an axis.


  • S[1|0]: Enable or disable
  • X|Y|Z|E : target an axis
  • No arguments reports the stealthChop status of all capable drivers.


M569 S0 E   - Set spreadcycle mode for extruder.

M572 M572: Set or report extruder pressure advance

Set parameters for pressure advance.


  • D: Set the extruder number.
  • S: Set the pressure advance value. If zero the pressure advance is disabled.
  • W

M591 - Configure Filament stuck monitoring

Enable/Disable Filament stuck monitoring.
Prusa STM32 platform specific.


  • S: 0 disable 1 enable
    With no parameter, shows the state of EMotorStallDetector on the serial line.

M593 - Set parameters for input shapers.

Set parameters for input shapers.


  • D: Set the input shaper damping ratio. If axes (X, Y, etc.) are not specified, set it for all axes. Default value is 0.1.
  • F: Set the input shaper frequency. If axes (X, Y, etc.) are not specified, set it for all axes. Default value is 0Hz - It means that the input shaper is disabled.
  • T[map]:  Set the input shaper type, 0:ZV, 1:ZVD, 2:MZV, 3:EI, 4:2HUMP_EI, and 5:3HUMP_EI. Default value is 0:ZV.
  • R: Set the input shaper vibration reduction. This parameter is used just for 3:EI, 4:2HUMP_EI, and 5:3HUMP_EI. Default value is 20.
  • X<1>:         Set the input shaper parameters only for the X axis.
  • Y<1>:        Set the input shaper parameters only for the Y axis.
  • Z<1>:        Set the input shaper parameters only for the Z axis.
  • A: Set the input shaper weight adjust frequency delta.
  • M:     Set the input shaper weight adjust mass limit.
  • W<1>:        Write current input shaper settings to EEPROM.

M600 - M600: Filament change pause


  • E[distance]: Retract the filament this far 
  • Z[distance]: Move the Z axis by this distance
  • X[position]: Move to this X position, with Y
  • Y[position]: Move to this Y position, with X
  • U[distance]: Retract distance for removal (manual reload)
  • L[distance]: Extrude distance for insertion (manual reload)
  • B[count]: Number of times to beep, -1 for indefinite (if equipped with a buzzer)
  • T[toolhead]: Select extruder for filament change
  • A: If automatic spool join is configured for this tool, do that instead, if not, do manual filament change
     *  Default values are used for omitted arguments.

M601 - M601: Pause print

M602 - M602: Resume print

M603 - M603: Configure Filament Change


  • T[toolhead]: Select extruder to configure, active extruder if not specified
  • U[distance]: Retract distance for removal, for the specified extruder
  • L[distance]: Extrude distance for insertion, for the specified extruder

M604 - Abort (serial) print

This is expected to be set as end-print command ("After print job is cancelled") in Octoprint.

M701 - M701: Load to nozzle

M701 Pn


  • T, L, Z (as defined in Marlin)
  • Pn → n index of slot (zero based, so 0-4 like T0 and T4)

M701 also has a Tn parameter - that we understand like an extruder index, not the MMU (having an XL with 5 MMU's connected   ) → M701 T4 P4

  • T: Extruder number. Required for mixing extruder.
     *                For non-mixing, current extruder if omitted.
  • Z: Move the Z axis by this distance
  • L: Extrude distance for insertion (positive value) - 0 == PURGE
  • S"Filament": save filament by name, for example S"PLA". RepRap compatible.
  • W: Preheat
    - W255: default without preheat
    - W0: preheat no return no cool down
    - W1: preheat with cool down option
    - W2: preheat with return option
    - W3: preheat with cool down and return options
     Default values are used for omitted arguments.

M702 - M702: Unload filament

M702 Pn


  • T, U, Z (as defined in Marlin)
  • W: preheat with options to show additional cooldown and return buttons
    - W'-1': default without preheat
    - W0: preheat no return no cool down
    - W1: preheat with cool down option
    - W2: preheat with return option
    - W3: preheat with cool down and return options
  • I: ask if the unload was successful

M704 - M704: Preload to MMU

M704 Pn


  • Pn → n index of slot (zero based, so 0-4 like T0 and T4)

M705 - M705: Eeject filament

M705 Pn


  • Pn → n index of slot (zero based, so 0-4 like T0 and T4)

M706 - M706: Cut filament

M706 Pn


  • Pn → n index of slot (zero based, so 0-4 like T0 and T4)

M707 - M707: Read from MMU register

M707 A

Read a variable from MMU.


  • A: Address of register in hexidecimal.
  • C: How many bytes to read (Optional)


M707 A0X19 - Read a 8bit integer from register 0X19 (Idler_sg_thrs_R) and prints the result onto the serial line.

Does nothing if the A parameter is not present or if MMU is not enabled.

M708 - M708: Write to MMU register

M708 A


Set a variable in the MMU


  • A: Address of register in hexidecimal.
  • X: Data to write (16-bit integer). Default value 0.


M708 A0x19 X07 - Write to register 0x19 (Idler_sg_thrs_R) the value 07. Does nothing if A parameter is missing or if MMU is not enabled.

M709 - M709: MMU power & Reset

M709 Xn Sn Tn


  • Xn: reset where n means:
    0 - issue an X0 command via communication into the MMU (soft reset)
    1 - toggle the MMU's reset pin
    2 - power cycle the MMU (turn off and back on)
  • Sn: power off/on
    0 - turn off MMU's power supply
    1 - power up the MMU after being turned off
    S without any parameter returns 0 or 1 for current state
  • T: index of MMU unit (in case there are multiple - same principle like M701 Tn)

M851 - M851: Set Z Probe Z Offset

M862 - M862: Print checking

Printer verifies if the G-code is compatible with the machine.

Common parameters:

  • Q: get machine value.
    - query is done during gcode execution (printing)
  • P: check if supplied value matches machine value
    - This check is done before starting the print from file. If an incompatible feature is found, the printer shows a corresponding message.
    This parameter is ignored during print or if supplied via USB CDC


M862.3 P "MINI"

M862.1 - M862.1: Check nozzle diameter


  • T: Specific tool, default to currently active nozzle.

M862.2 - M862.2: Check model code

printer checks if the G-code is sliced for a compatible printer model.

M862.3 - M862.3: Check model name

printer checks if the G-code is sliced for a compatible printer model.

M862.4 - M862.4: Check Firmware version

M862.5 - M862.5: Check G-code level

G-code levels refer to different versions or configurations of G-code. The G-code level determines the set of commands and parameters that the printer can understand and execute.
The M862.5 command will compare the input value with the G-code level supported by the printer. If the G-code level does not match the input value, a warning or error message may be displayed.


  • Pnnnn nnnn: Gcode level
  • Q: Current Gcode level

    When run with P<> argument, the check is performed against the input value.
    When run with Q argument, the current value is shown.

Example messages:

  • G-code sliced for a different level. Continue?
  • G-code sliced for a different level. Please re-slice the model again. Print cancelled.

M862.6 - M862.6: Check Firmware features

The printer has a list of supported features. Using the M862.6 P[feature], it checks if the list of the required features in the G-code matches the features available on the printer.
If an incompatible feature is found, the printer shows a corresponding message.


M862.6 P "Input shaper" 

Example messages:

  • G-code isn't fully compatible. misssing requested features: Input shaper

M863 - Tool remapping

Allows to redefine which tools use for certain parts of the print. 
If a part of an object is sliced to be printed with filament 1 - but you wish to print it with filament 2 instead, this G-code helps you achieve so.


M863 M P0 L1 : Instead of tool 0, use tool 1
M863 E1/0 : Enable/disable tool remapping
M863 R : Reset tool remapping
M863 : Report current tool mapping

M864 - Spool join settings

Enables to configure Spool join function, defining which material to use after the one used runs out.


M864 J A1 B2 : When tool 1 runs out of filament, continue with tool 2
M864 R : reset any settings
M864 : Report current spool join settings

M900 - M900: Set Linear advance K factor

M906 - M906: Set motor current

In milliamps, using axis codes X, Y, Z, E.


  • X[current]: Set mA current for X driver(s)
  • Y[current]: Set mA current for Y driver(s)
  • Z[current]: Set mA current for Z driver(s)
  • E[current]: Set mA current for E driver(s)
  • I[index]: Axis sub-index (Omit or 0 for X, Y, Z; 1 for X2, Y2, Z2; 2 for Z3.)
  • T[index]: Extruder index (Zero-based. Omit for E0 only.)
     * With no parameters, reports driver currents.

M910 - M910: TMC2130 init

M911 - Report stepper driver overtemperature pre-warn condition

Report TMC stepper driver overtemperature pre-warn flag.
This flag is held by the library, persisting until cleared by M912.
(Requires at least one _DRIVER_TYPE defined as TMC2130/2160/5130/5160/2208/2209/2660)

M912 - clear stepper driver overtemperature pre-warn condition flag

Clear TMC stepper driver overtemperature pre-warn flag held by the library.
(Requires at least one _DRIVER_TYPE defined as TMC2130/2160/5130/5160/2208/2209/2660)


  • X, Y, Z, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, Z3 and E[index]: Specifies one or more axes to clear the flag on.
  • If no axes are specified, clears all.

M914 - Set StallGuard sensitivity


  • I: Index of a sensitivity value to set.
  • X, Y, Z: Axis code
  • * With no parameters, reports the current StallGuard sensitivity.


M914 I0 Z200: Set StallGuard sensitivity for the Z-axis to 200:

M914: Print the current StallGuard sensitivity values.

M919 - TMC Config Write

Writes a value to the TMC driver’s register


M919 X I_HOLD_IRUN 1000

M920 - TMC Config Read

Reads a value from the TMC driver’s register


M920 Z SG2

M930 - Set SPI prescaler for xLCD

Set up the prescaler of the LCD perifery SPI.
This is used for manipulating communication frequency during HW testing.
If value was not set or was set 0, prescaler will set up 0 (frequency will be divided by 1 = unchanged).


[uint16]       Prescaler value (0-7) is mapped internally on power of 2.

M931 - Set SPI prescaler for EXT_FLASH

Set up the prescaler of the EXT_FLASH perifery SPI.
This is used for manipulating communication frequency during HW testing.
If value was not set or was set 0, prescaler will set up 0 (frequency will be divided by 1 = unchanged).


[uint16]       Prescaler value (0-7) is mapped internally on power of 2.

M932 - Set SPI prescaler for TMC

Set up the prescaler of the TMC perifery SPI.
This is used for manipulating communication frequency during HW testing.
If value was not set or was set 0, prescaler will set up 0 (frequency will be divided by 1 = unchanged).


[uint16]       Prescaler value (0-7) is mapped internally on power of 2.

M958 - Excite harmonic vibration

M959 - Tune input shaper

M997 - Update firmware

Perform in-application firmware update. Prusa STM32 platform specific.


  • O: Update older or same firmware on restart == force reflash == from menu
  • S: Firmware module number(s), default 0
     - 0 - main firmware.
     - 1 - WiFi module firmware
     - 2 - 4 - Reserved, check reprap wiki
  • B: Expansion board address, default 0
     - Currently unused, defined just to be reprap compatible
  • /: Selected BBF SFN (short file name)

M999 - Reset MCU

Prusa STM32 platform specific.
Restarts after being stopped. With R parameter, resets the MCU.


  • R: reset MCU
  • Z: Wait for finishing planned moves, save Z coordinate and restore it after reset.
       - Must be combined with R parameter, doesn't work otherwise.
       - Z is restored only if USB flash drive is present.
         This strange requirement is due to coupling with power panic.

M1587 - Wi-Fi credentials

Open Wi-Fi credentials dialog.
Similar to M587, but meant to be used internally.


  • I: Generate ini file

M1600 - Change filament menu

Prusa STM32 platform specific.
Non-print filament change.
Not meant to be used during print.


  • T: Extruder number. Required for mixing extruder.
  • R: Preheat Return option
  • U: Ask Unload type
          - `U0` - return if filament unknown (default)
          - `U1` - ask only if filament unknown
          - `U2` - always ask
  • S"Filament": change to filament by name, for example `S"PLA"`

M1601 - Filament stuck detection

Prusa STM32 platform specific

M1700 - Preheat

Prusa STM32 platform specific.


  • T: Extruder number. Required for mixing extruder.
            For non-mixing, current extruder if omitted.
  • W: Preheat
           - `W0`  - preheat no return no cool down
           - `W1`  - preheat with cool down option
           - `W2`  - preheat with return option
           - `W3`  - preheat with cool down and return options - default
  • S: Set filament
  • E: Enforce target temperature

M1701 - Autoload

Prusa STM32 platform specific.
 Not meant to be used during print.


  • T: Extruder number. Required for mixing extruder.
           For non-mixing, current extruder if omitted.
  • Z: Move the Z axis by this distance
  • L: Extrude distance for insertion (positive value) (manual reload)
     * Default values are used for omitted arguments.

M1704 - Load test

Triggers the MMU3 Loading test.






T Toolchange

Select extruder in case of multi extruder printer (XL). Select filament position 1-5 (T0-T4) in case of MMU3.


  • F[units/min]: Set the movement feedrate
  • S1: Don't move the tool in XY after change
  • M0/1: Use tool mapping or not (default is yes)
  • Lx: Z Lift settings 0 =- no lift, 1 = lift by max MBL diff, 2 = full lift(default)
  • Dx 0 = do not return in Z after lift, 1 = normal return


T0 : Select filament position 1 on MMU3 / Select Tool 1 on XL.

T1 : Select filament position 2 / Tool 2.

Tx - Select filament

(MMU3) Printer asks user to select a filament position. Then loads the filament from the MMU unit into the extruder wheels only.

Tc - Load to nozzle

(MMU3) Loads the filament tip from the extruder wheels into the nozzle.



Special / Other commands


P0 - Tool park

Park extruder (tool) (XL only)
Pn: n index of a tool (zero based, so 0-4 like T0 and T4 for tools 1 and 5)


  • F[units/min]: Set the movement feedrate
  • S1: Don't move the tool in XY after change
  • M0/1: Use tool mapping or not (default is yes)
  • Lx: Z Lift settings 0 =- no lift, 1 = lift by max MBL diff, 2 = full lift(default)
  • Dx 0 = do not return in Z after lift, 1 = normal return





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M303 has stopped working on the Mini+, but is still listed here as a usable value. Why was it turned off, and how can it be re-enabled?
It would be nice if this list had ID tags in the HTML, so we could link to specific gcodes, a-la <page-URL>#M302
Jakub Dolezal

Hi, do you mean web "anchors"?

Question for XL users.   I (and others) have created front of bed mounted brushes to clean the nozzle before a print starts.    However this triggers collision detection, so in order for the startup GCode to run without the collision crashes we have to disable collison detection.Is there some gcode means of disabling the detection before the cleaning moves and then re-enabling it after the moves are completed so it'll serve it's intended function during the print?  I'm thinking maybe something already present in an M500 parameter perhaps, or any other approach?
You might try playing with M916 - but this isn't enabled in normal firmware builds so:
1. You'd need to make sure the XL had TMC2130 drivers. I don't know.
2. The firmware for the buddy boards might not have this at all.
3. You'd have to break the appendix on the board to load a custom firmware build
I would suggest asking via Support for the ability to do this as a feature in a future firmware build.
When will the M150 and M151 commands be enabled?When will there be detail on how to use the M959 command to tune IS on the XL?