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Navigating the LCD menu is done by a single control element: a rotational knob that you press to confirm a selection. In addition, you have a Reset button which will reset the printer if pushed. The main LCD screen also displays some other information about your printer's current state.

This menu structure was introduced with firmware version 4.4.0. Make sure your firmware is up to date.
  • Print
  • Preheat
        • PLA
        • PETG
        • ASA
        • PC
        • PVB
        • ABS
        • HIPS
        • PP
        • FLEX
        • PA
        • Cooldown
  • Filament
        • Load filament
        • Unload filament
        • Change filament
        • Purge filament
  • Control
        • Move Axis
            • Move X
            • Move Y
            • Move Z
            • Move E
            • Cooldown
        • Temperature
            • Nozzle
            • Heatbed
            • Print Fan
            • Cooldown
        • Auto home
        • Set ready
        • Disable Motors
        • Live Adjust Z
        • Mesh Bed leveling
        • Bed level correction
            • Left side
            • Right side
            • Front side
            • Rear side
            • Reset
        • Calibrations & Tests
            • Fan Test
            • XY axis Test
            • Z axis Test
            • Heater Test
            • First Layer calibration
  • Settings
        • Filament Sensor
        • Stealth Mode
        • Fan Check
        • Input Shaper
            • X-axis filter
            • X-axis freq.
            • Y-axis filter
            • Y-axis freuq.
            • Restore Defaults
        • User Interface
            • Footer 
            • Sort Files [Time/Name]
            • Menu Timeout
            • Sound Mode [Silent/Assist/Once/Loud]
            • For filament change, preheat [Nozzle/Noz&Bed]
            • Sound Volume [0-11]
        • Language & Time
            • Language
            • Time Zone Hour Offset
            • Time Zone Minute Offset
            • Time Zone Summertime
            • Time Format [24h/12h]
            • Time
        • Network
            • Prusalink
                • Enabled
                • Generate Password
                • User
                • Password
            • Prusa Connect
                • Enabled
                • Status
                • Error
                • Add printer to Connect
                • Load Settings
            • Default [Wi-Fi/Eth]
            • IP
            • MAC
            • Metrics & Log 
                • What is this?
                • Allow [None/Only Stored/Any Host]
                • Enable Stored on Startup
                • Stored Configuration
                • Current configuration
            •  Ethernet
              • Protocol
              • LAN
              • IP
              • Mask
              • GW
              • MAC
            • Wi-Fi
              • Setup Wi-Fi module
              • Create credentials
              • Load credentials
              • Protocol
              • LAN
              • IP
              • Mask
              • GW
              • MAC
        • Hardware
            • Nozzle Diameter [0.25-1.00]
            • G-Code Checks
              • Nozzle Diameter [Warn/Strict/None]
              • Printer Mode [Warn/Strict/None]
              • Firmware Version [Warn/Strict/None]
              • G-Code Level [Warn/Strict/None]
            • Steel Sheets
        • FW update
        • System
            • Save Crash Dump
            • Device Hash in QR
            • Load Settings from File
            • Factory reset
              • Reset Settings & Calibrations
              • Hard Reset (USB with Firmware needed)
  • Info
        • Sensor info
            • Filament Sens
            • M.I.N.D.A.
            • MCU Temperature
        • Version info
            • Firmware Version
            • Bootloader Version
            • Buddy Board
        • Print Statistics
            • Statistics
              • X Axis
              • Y Axis
              • Z Axis
              • Filament
              • Print Time
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