
Sending files to Octoprint/Duet

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If you’re using Octoprint or Duet, you can send G-codes to your printer directly from PrusaSlicer. Upload list will be visible at Printer Settings - General - Print Host upload.

 API key / Password

Octoprint API key can be entered after adding a physical printer by clicking the "cog" icon in Printer Settings.


Host Type: Octoprint/Duet

Select which type of wifi device you use.

Hostname, IP or URL


If you don’t know the IP of your device, you can use the Browse button to search your network for compatible devices.

 If you install the OctoPrint-ipOnConnect, you’ll be able to see the IP address directly on the printer’s LCD. Alternatively, if you have access to your home Wi-Fi router, look for the latest IP address leased by the DHCP server, or use a network monitoring tool (ex. Angry IP scanner) to discover your device.

 You can use the Test button and PrusaSlicer will attempt to get a response from the target device.

 As soon as you finish adding a physical printer, the new button Send G-code will appear next to the Export G-code button each time you slice a model.


Check our Raspberry Pi ZERO W Octoprint guide for more information.



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Short version of proper way to do this with a limited proper security API key (not the global API key):In Octoprint under Access Control create a user with only 3 permissions (clear out operator default group first). Permissions needed are Status, File Upload, Print. Under Application Keys, select user and generate key. In PrusaSlicer printer settings, edit physical printer and enter the info. Optional but recommended: Set PrusaSlicer to autogenerate thumbnails of each gcode file to view in Octoprint!Long detailed step by step tutorial with pictures on how to do this:  https://forum.prusaprinters.org/forum/original-prusa-sl1-user-mods-octoprint-.../guide-config-prusaslicer-to-send-print-to-octoprint-on-button-press-including-proper-limited-api-permissions-and-key/
This page seems out of date. The settings no longer exists under "Printer Settings - General - Print Host upload".
You should mention, that the Connection ONLY successful is possible, if an API-Key was entered. Your Howto looks like the API Key is not necessary, but it is. Without, you get the Error message described over here: https://community.octoprint.org/t/cant-connect-from-slic3r-prusa-edition/6339/6Also, the location of the Settings is not 100% correct, as one has to create a new printer profile where one is able to set the connection.However, i'm very thankful for your Documentation, thats the reason why i'd like to see it yet more improved.Have a nice day!
Thank you. You saved me a lot of time figuring that one out.