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How to lubricate the magballs (HT90)

How to lubricate the magballs (HT90)

How to lubricate the magballs (HT90)
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How to lubricate the magballs (HT90)
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This guide will take you through the lubrication of the magballs on the Prusa Pro HT90.
The SuperLube lubricant is supplied with the printer. If you don’t have it, you can purchase it from our eshop prusa3d.com.
Additional tools
Additional tools
Additional tools
Additional tools
Tools that are not supplied but can make maintenance easier.
Additional tools:
Paper towels to wipe off grease.
Piece of cloth to heatbed protection during assembly. 
Plochý šroubovák
Příprava tiskárny
Příprava tiskárny
Příprava tiskárny
Cool down the printer. Go to More > Temperature > Cooldown. Wait till the printer is cooled down!
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature.
Vypněte vypínač (symbol "O")
From now on we will demonstrate the lubrication of the Magballs on the printer with the lights on for better visibility inside the printer. Please note, do not switch ON the printer. The printer in the pictures is shown with the lights on for better visualisation for customers.
Door opening stopper releasing
Door opening stopper releasing
Door opening stopper releasing
Open the lid.
Using a flat screwdriver, loosen the Door-opening-stopper by turning it 120° counter-clockwise.
The Door-opening-stopper is a printed part, just a slight twist will loosen this part.
Door opening stopper removing
Door opening stopper removing
Door opening stopper removing
Remove the Door-opening-stopper by pushing from the inside of the printer.
Repeat the process on the second Door-opening-stopper on the other side of the lid.
Povolení tiskové hlavy
Povolení tiskové hlavy
Povolení tiskové hlavy
Povolení tiskové hlavy
Před těmito kroky doporučujeme zakrýt vyhřívanou podložku!
Make sure the heatbed is cooled down to ambient temperature. Place the cloth approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Place the dust cloth approximately to the front center part of the heatbed.
Nasaďte si rukavice na obě ruce.
Carefully remove the first carbon rod from the print head magball by pulling it away.
Remove all remaining carbon rods from the print head magballs.
Tiskovou hlavu ponechte ležet na hadříku.
Carbon rods removing
Carbon rods removing
Carbon rods removing
Carbon rods removing
Note that all carbon rods are numbered.
The rods are attached to magnetic balls.
Carefully remove the carbon rods 1 and 2 from the left carriage by pulling them away.
Carefully remove the carbon rods 3 and 4 from the rear carriage by pulling them away.
Carefully remove the carbon rods 5 and 6 from the right carriage by pulling them away.
Magballs cleaning
Magballs cleaning
Magballs cleaning
Use a paper towel to clean the magballs on the print head.
Use a paper towel to clean the magballs on the carriages.
Carbon rods cleaning
Carbon rods cleaning
Carbon rods cleaning
Carbon rods cleaning
Check the carbon rods one by one. If it's dirty, clean it.
Use a paper towel to remove any old lubricant from the top and the bottom of the rod.
The top and bottom of the carbon rod must be clean. Look at the picture.
Carbon rods lubricating
Carbon rods lubricating
Carbon rods lubricating
Carbon rods lubricating
Open the SuperLube.
Gently squeeze the lubricant and apply a small amount to the carbon rod:
To the top end (with the QR code).
To the bottom end.
Repeat this process for the remaining carbon rods.
Carefully attach the first carbon rod to the magball head and rotate the carbon rod a few times to spread the SuperLube.
Wipe off excess lubricant from surrounding parts to avoid greasing the printing plate.
Carbon rods attaching
Carbon rods attaching
Carbon rods attaching
Carbon rods attaching
Note that all carbon rods are numbered.
Follow the same numerical order as the instructions.
Carefully attach the second carbon rod to the rear magball on the left carriage.
Carefully attach the third carbon rod to the left magball and the fourth carbon rod to the right magball on the rear carriage.
Carefully attach the fifth carbon rod to the rear magball and the sixth carbon rod to the front magball on the right carriage.
Wipe off excess lubricant from surrounding parts to avoid greasing the printing plate.
Print head attaching
Print head attaching
Print head attaching
Attach the carbon rods one by one to the print head magballs.
Attach remaining carbon rods (2-6).
Wipe off excess lubricant from surrounding parts using a paper towel to avoid greasing the printing sheet.
Zavření víka
Zavření víka
Zavření víka
Zavření víka
Before pulling down the lid, check that the plastic Door-guides on both sides are inserted into the rails. See the picture.
Now slowly pull the lid downwards until the plastic cut-outs for the Door-opening-stopper are under the top panel. See the picture.
Door opening stopper securing
Door opening stopper securing
Door opening stopper securing
Door opening stopper securing
Using a flat screwdriver, secure the Door-opening-stopper by turning it clockwise.
The Door-opening-stopper is a printed part, just a slight twist will secure this part.
Repeat this process on the left side of the lid.
Zavřete víko.
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