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4. Print head & Heatbed assembly

4. Print head & Heatbed assembly

4. Print head & Heatbed assembly
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Last updated 3 years ago
4. Print head & Heatbed assembly
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Hotend & Print fan: parts preparation
Hotend & Print fan: parts preparation
Hotend & Print fan: parts preparation
Hotend & Print fan: parts preparation
All the printed parts and fasteners needed for this chapter are included in the box: Print head & Heatbed
For the following steps, please prepare:
MINI Hotend assembly (1x)
Print fan (1x)
M3x20 screw (3x)
Mounting the hotend
Mounting the hotend
Mounting the hotend
Mounting the hotend
Place the hotend assembly on the X-carriage.
Hold the heatsink with your hand.
Use the other hand to secure the heatsink with the upper M3x20 screw.
Insert and tighten the M3x20 screw into the lower hole.
Mounting the print fan
Mounting the print fan
Mounting the print fan
Mounting the print fan
Insert the edge of the fan on the bottom edge of the X-carriage pocket. Make sure the sticker on the fan is on the other side.
Insert the fan into the x-carriage.
Align the screw hole in the fan with the hole in the X-carriage.
Insert and tighten the M3x20 screw.
Assembling the hotend fan
Assembling the hotend fan
Assembling the hotend fan
Assembling the hotend fan
Place the hotend fan on the MINI-fan-spacer. Align the holes against each other.
Make sure the sticker on the fan is on the bottom side.
The fan cable must be facing the upper left.
The "teeth" for the MINI-fan-spacer-clip must be oriented upwards to the left.
Place the hotend fan with MINI-fan-spacer on the heatsink. Align the holes for the screws on the fan with the holes on the heatsink.
Secure the hotend fan and the spacer with the M3x20 screw in the upper left hole.
Mounting the MINI-minda-holder
Mounting the MINI-minda-holder
Mounting the MINI-minda-holder
Mounting the MINI-minda-holder
Place the MINI-minda-holder on the hotend fan.
Secure with the M3x12 screw.
Make sure the hotend cables are not pinched.
Guide the hotend cables as shown in the picture.
Secure the MINI-minda-holder with the M3x20 screw.
Installing the SuperPINDA sensor
Installing the SuperPINDA sensor
Installing the SuperPINDA sensor
Installing the SuperPINDA sensor
Screw in the M3x12 screw by 2-3 threads. We'll tighten it later.
Insert the SuperPINDA sensor into the MINI-minda-holder.
Adjust the SuperPINDA sensor position, there should be about 4-5 threads below the MINI-minda-holder. This a temporary position for now. We will set the proper one later on.
Tighten the screw on the MINI-minda-holder. Do not use excessive force, you can damage the MINI-minda-holder!
Fan-spacer-clip: parts preparation
Fan-spacer-clip: parts preparation
Fan-spacer-clip: parts preparation
Fan-spacer-clip: parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
MINI-fan-spacer-clip (1x)
M3x20 screw (1x)
Textile sleeve 8x700 mm (1x)
There are two textile sleeves with different lengths in the package for this chapter. Please, take the longer one.
Zip tie (3x)
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Push all the cables from the print head into the MINI-fan-spacer-clip. Orient the clip as shown in the picture, the beveled side is up.
Guide the print fan cable through MINI-fan-spacer-clip groove. Create a loop under the clip and guide the cable together with the bundle.
Slide down the MINI-fan-spacer-clip and mount it on the spacer with the M3x20 screw. Tighten the screw, then release it slightly by 1/4 of turn (90 °). No nut is ​​needed here.
The MINI-fan-spacer-clip must move freely.
Merge all cables leading from the hotend together and guide them up.
Wrap the textile sleeve around the cable bundle and slide it into the MINI-fan-spacer-clip so that it extends over the 2-5mm textile sleeve from the other side. Guide the textile sleeve to the extruder.
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Start by rotating the lead screw with your fingers until the X-axis is in the highest position. And move the print head all the way to the right and ensure it is touching the printed part.
Bend the cable bundle slightly and guide it to the extruder.
Thread two zip ties through the holes in the extruder.
Place the cable bundle on the extruder as you see in the picture.
Secure the cable bundle by tightening both zip ties.
Insert the motor cable into the cable bundle.
Insert and tighten the third zip tie.
Cut the remaining part of each zip tie using pliers as closest to its head as possible.
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Guiding the hotend cables
Rotate the zip tie's head to the left.
Make sure you have rotated the heads to the left, otherwise you might have issues during the print!
Slightly twist the sleeve (not the cables inside). The sleeve will evenly wrap all around the cable bundle.
Mounting the PTFE tube
Mounting the PTFE tube
Mounting the PTFE tube
Mounting the PTFE tube
Take the end of the PTFE tube and insert it to the brass fitting on the extruder. Both ends of the tube are symmetrical.
Slide the brass nut down and tighten it with the universal wrench.
Use the same procedure to mount the other end of the PTFE tube on the print head.
Heatbed: parts preparation
Heatbed: parts preparation
Heatbed: parts preparation
For the following steps, please prepare:
Heatbed MINI+ (1x)
Heatbed cable (1x)
MINI-heatbed-cable-cover-top (1x)
MINI-heatbed-cable-cover-bottom (1x)
Textile sleeve 5x350 mm (1x)
M3x4b Countersunk screw (9x)
The list continues in the next step...
Assembling the heatbed
Assembling the heatbed
Assembling the heatbed
Assembling the heatbed
Insert two M3x8 screws to the heatbed. Screw heads must be on the top surface of the heatbed.
Turn the heatbed bottom up and place it like in the picture.
Place the red wire (+) on the left screw.
Place the black wire (-) on the right screw.
Attach two M3nN nuts onto both screws and tighten them firmly.
The cable cover, which will be applied later requires the connectors to be slightly inclined towards each other. Hold them in the position as seen in the picture while tightening, but leave a small gap between them. Ensure the cable lugs can't move after tightening.
Make sure the cables are connected properly and the screws are tightened fully. Improper wiring or loose connection to the heatbed can fatally damage the electronics.
Guiding the heatbed cables
Guiding the heatbed cables
Guiding the heatbed cables
Guide the black thermistor cable between the heatbed cables.
Wrap the thermistor cable a few times around the heatbed cables (see the photo).
Covering the heatbed cables
Covering the heatbed cables
Covering the heatbed cables
Insert the M3nN nut into the MINI-heatbed-cable-cover-bottom.
Place the MINI-heatbed-cable-cover-bottom on the bottom of the heatbed cable connectors.
Make sure the connectors fit properly into the cover.
Wrap the textile sleeve around the heatbed cable bundle. Slide the sleeve into the cover as far as possible.
Covering the heatbed cables
Covering the heatbed cables
Covering the heatbed cables
Covering the heatbed cables
Slightly tilt the MINI-heatbed-cable-cover-top and slide it over the screw heads on the connectors.
Push the cover to fit properly the bottom part of the cover.
Secure it with the M3x12 screw.
Mounting the heatbed assembly
Mounting the heatbed assembly
Mounting the heatbed assembly
Mounting the heatbed assembly
Push the Y-carriage to the front and place the Heatbed behind.
Place the heatbed on the Y-carriage.
Align all 9 holes on the heatbed with the heatbed spacers.
Insert the M3x4b screws in the holes. DON'T fully tighten the screws.
After all screws are in place, use the torx key to tighten them in the following order:
Center screw
First four screws (edges)
Last four screws (corners)
Printhead and Heatbed are finished!
Printhead and Heatbed are finished!
You're getting closer!
Check the final look, compare it to the picture.
Don't place the steel sheet on the heatbed yet. Wait for the instructions in the Wizard during the calibration process.
Leave the remaining M3x12 and M3x20 screws in the Print head, HB, ELE package for the next chapter.
Keep the remaining Spool Holder packages for later.
Ready for the next chapter? Let's jump into: 5. LCD assembly & Electronics
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