
Orders to the UK

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From January 2021, the UK officially exited the EU (Brexit), which changed a lot of the terms of shipping and commerce with EU member states, like the Czech Republic. Changes are not uniform across the whole of the UK, so here we will outline the details and conditions for each constituent country. These terms are set as a result of the UK's negotiations with the EU, and not by the companies or enterprises conducting trade across these borders.

General Info

Prusa Research has applied for a UK VAT number and will collect the 20% UK VAT for orders up to 135 GBP (VAT excl.) which will be paid by us to the UK Government (HMRC). We have a VAT number pending and it will be included in the tax invoices once processed. It can then be downloaded from your profile pages of our e-shop or provided by our customer support.

There will be two separate shipping destinations (countries) in our e-shop. You must always choose the correct location according to the shipping address as different tax rules apply.

  • United Kingdom
  • United Kingdom - Northern Ireland
United Kingdom
Due to the EU - UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement (TCA), no customs duties will be applied to orders shipped to the United Kingdom (UK) from the Czech Republic. However, the carrier may charge processing-fee.

Purchase made by an individual (B2C) 

  • Orders of an amount up to 135 GBP (VAT excl.), included shipping cost: 20% tax charged at the time of purchase.
  • Orders of an amount above 135 GBP (VAT excl.): No tax charged at the time of purchase. However, UK taxes will be applied upon arrival, based on UK law. For details please see the official documentation provided by your government.

Purchase made by a business/company (B2B)

  1. A company with a valid GB VAT number: No tax charged at the time of the purchase.
  2. A Company without a valid GB VAT number:
      • Orders of an amount up to 135 GBP (VAT excl.), included shipping cost: 20% tax charged at the time of purchase.
      • Orders of an amount above 135 GBP (VAT excl.): No tax charged at the time of purchase. However, UK taxes will be applied upon arrival, based on UK law. For details please see the official documentation provided by your government.
To check the validity of your GB VAT number, please visit www.vatlayer.com.

Shipping options

  • DHL Economy Select - Land transport
  • DHL Express Worldwide - Air transport
UK Northern Ireland

There are no changes in import rules to Northern Ireland. In this regard, Northern Ireland remains a part of the EU. No custom clearance upon arrival and no import taxes should be applied.

You need to select "United Kingdom - Northern Ireland" as a country during the check-out process.

Purchase made by an individual (B2C) 

  • All orders: 20% tax charged at the time of purchase.

Purchase made by a business/company (B2B)

Northern Ireland VAT numbers have got the new pre-fix. The new pre-fix is XI.
  • A company with a valid VAT number starting XI: No tax charged at the time of purchase.
  • A company without a valid VAT number starting XI: 20% tax charged at the time of purchase.

Shipping options:

  • DHL Economy Select - Land transport
  • DHL Express EU - Air transport