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1. Introduction

1. Introduction
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Last updated 4 months ago
1. Introduction
Very easy
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The kit includes:
The bag with tools is included in the YZ & X-AXIS box. Please prepare it now.
Allen keys including one TORX key
Needle-nose pliers (1x)
Universal wrench (1x)
Universal wrench - description
Universal wrench - description
The universal wrench is designed for tightening all these fasteners used on the MINI+ printer:
1. Brass nut
2. M3nN nyloc nut
3. Brass nut
4. Nozzle
5. Heatbed spacer
Tools required for lubricating bearings
Tools required for lubricating bearings
In some chapters there are instructions for lubricating the bearings before using them.
For these instructions, the kit includes:
Prusa lubricant (1x)
Labels guide
Labels guide
Each bag (or box) label describes in which chapter you will need it.
ほとんどのラベルは1:1の縮尺で、パーツの識別に使用できます :-)
最も一般的なよく使う ネジ、ナット、PTFEチューブ など、 実寸大が描かれた Prusa Cheatsheet で、一つ一つ確認することができます。
help.prusa3d.com/cheatsheet から Prusa Cheatsheet をダウンロードすることができます。プリントは 100 % で、行ってください。拡大、縮小はうまくプリントできないのでしないでください。
Spare bag
Spare bag
If you lose a screw during assembly, use one from this bag.
Important: Electronics protection
Important: Electronics protection
Important: Electronics protection
WARNING: Make sure to protect the electronics against electrostatic discharge (ESD). Always unpack the electronics right before you need them!
Always touch the sides of the board while manipulating with it. Avoid touching the chips, capacitors and other parts of the electronics.
Before you touch the electronics use any conductive (steel) structure nearby to neutralize any electro-static energy.
静電気を発生させる カーペットがある部屋での使用は、特に気をつけてください。
Clothes made of wool and certain synthetic fabrics can easily gather static electricity. It is safer to wear cotton clothing.
ヒント: ナットを差し込む
ヒント: ナットを差し込む
ヒント: ナットを差し込む
ヒント: ナットを差し込む
3D printed parts are very precise, however, there still might be an occasional lack of uniformity in the printed part and same goes for the size of the nut.
Therefore it might happen, that the nut won't fit in easily or might be falling out. Let's see, how to fix it:
Nut keeps falling out: Use a piece of tape to fix the nut temporarily in place, as soon as you insert the screw in, you can remove the tape. Using glue isn't recommended as it can partly reach into the thread and you won't be able to tighten the screw properly.
Whenever you need to fit the nut that doesn't fit properly, we recommend using  "screw pulling technique". You will be reminded with Joe's avatar ;)
Pro tip: inserting the square nuts
Pro tip: inserting the square nuts
Pro tip: inserting the square nuts
Pro tip: inserting the square nuts
Always check the correct position of the M3nS nuts in the printed parts immediately after insertion. Improperly inserted nuts will not allow proper assembly of parts.
Make sure the nut is inserted all the way in. Use the following methods:
Use a 2.0mm Allen key for easier insertion into the hole.
Check the hole alignment by using a 2.0mm Allen key.
Check visually if the hole in the nut is aligned with the hole in the printed part.
Reward yourself
Reward yourself
Building the MINI+ printer is a challenge unlike any other and you should reward yourself for every milestone you reach. That is why a bag of Haribo Bears is included!
The biggest issue from the previous builds (MK3S+, SL1) which we had to address was inadequate bear consumption. Many of you didn't have enough bears for all chapters, some even ate them all before they started!
始める前に、または一度にすべてのクマを食べないでください! 指示に従わないと深刻な結果を招きます。現在、この問題のためにPrusa Haribo 戦術部隊PrusaHariboを編成しています。
Hide the Haribo for now! From our experience, an unattended bag with sweets tends to suddenly disappear. We are still investigating this phenomenon.
All information provided in this step is based on a long-term very serious research study ;)
To successfully finish the assembly please complete each of the following:
Always read all the instructions at the current step first. This will help you to understand, what you need to do. Don't cut or trim unless you are told to!!!
Don't follow pictures only! It is not enough, the written instructions are as brief as they can be. Read them.
Read the comments from the other users. They are a great source of ideas. We read them too and based on your feedback improve the manual and the entire assembly.
Use a reasonable force. The printed parts are tough, but not unbreakable. If it doesn't fit, check your approach twice.
最も重要なこと: 組み立てを楽しんでください。お子様、友達、パートナーと一緒に協力してください。 ただし、私たちは争い事には一切責任を負いません;)
Ready for more? Let's move to the next chapter: 2. YZ - axis assembly
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