
Hotend temp not matching

#26210 (MK4S) #13210 (MK4)  # 27210 (MK3.9S) #21210 (MK3.9) #31210 (CORE One)

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The printer displays the message "Measured temperature is not matching expected value. Check the thermistor is in contact with hotend. In case of damage, replace it." when the measured temperature is different from the temperature expected for the hotend.

This can happen if any thermistor failure on the hotend causes the printer to read the temperature within a few degrees from the target temperature, but not the target temperature itself. The heater will keep trying to heat up while the target temperature is not reached. To prevent overheating the printer generates the error.

The error might indicate some issue with the wiring, either the heater or the thermistor cables are possibly damaged.

Check if the room where the printer is does not have a temperature below 15 ºC.

A visual inspection

Check the hotend cables (thermistor and heater) to ensure no wires have broken off the sensor or heater. Carefully try to move the cables by hand while the printer is turned off. If any of them have come detached your search is over and the part needs to be changed. It is not recommended to solder these wires; moreover, the thermistor will change its resistance and thus readings. Spare parts can be found in our e-shop, or you can contact Support for assistance.

Try preheating the hotend in LCD menu -> Control -> Temperature -> Nozzle to 215 ºC. After reaching the temperature, move the cables behind the print head by hand to see if the error will appear. If the LCD main screen shows 0/0 in the hotend temperature, check the cable connections.


The heater and thermistor are connected to the LoveBoard. To access it, slide up the cover, and unscrew the love board cover right.


Checking the resistance

The table below describes the correct resistance for each part and what scale you should set your meter to. We have another more in-depth guide on Multimeter usage. All thermistors are rated to be 100 kΩ at 25 °C. To be realistic, with a varying temperature between 20 °C and 30 °C, you can expect a wider range of readings (~85-125 kΩ) than with the heater.

There can be micro-fractures in the cable, breaking the connections only at certain positions. Therefore, when measuring move the cable a bit and see if the value changes drastically.

PartResistanceMultimeter Scale
Thermistors (bed and hotend)[80 kΩ - 125 kΩ]200 kΩ
Hotend heater[12.3 Ω - 15.1 Ω]200 Ω
The part should be cold (room temperature) and unplugged when measuring the resistance!

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