A 3D printer's hotend can get clogged. This article explains the most common causes of this issue, which are usually the same regardless of the printer type or model. We then have…
Each Original Prusa printer is shipped with a bundle of sample G-codes. These G-codes are tested and tailored specifically for your printer model and can be used to see the printer's…
As there are ways of remotely transferring files and starting prints, an SD card or USB flash drive is the most common and reliable way to get your files to your machine. Though…
Filament grinding, which is accompanied by a “clicking” or "squeaking " sound coming from the extruder, usually happens when the extruder gears are unable to push the filament…
If your printer suddenly stops extruding filament, yet continues the print moves without reporting any error, you may be a victim of a heat creep. What does it look like Broadly…
P.I.N.D.A. stands for Prusa INDuction Autoleveling sensor and is a vital component facilitating the calibration of our printers. There are 3 different versions: P.I.N.D.A. V1…
The blob (mass of plastic accumulated around the hotend) is one of the most scary-looking printing problems you might face with your 3D printer. Removing it after it happens is…
During transport, assembly, or maintenance (like adjusting the belt tension) the printer can become slightly skewed, where one axis may not be perpendicular (90-degree angle) to…
A clogged nozzle or hotend is a common issue for the FFF/FDM printers. If there are no issues, the filament is pushed in the hotend, melted, and then extruded through the nozzle.…
The IR sensor is a hybrid solution that combines an IR laser sensor triggered by a tiny mechanical lever. This means that in case one of the functions of the IR sensor is not working,…